
Eat Real Food and Feel Real Good!

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is right, medicine is of no need.” ― Ayurvedic proverb

Eating real food is the first thing I will work on with you. For most of us, we don’t need Paleo, Keto or Vegan diets, we just need a real food diet. Putting the right foods in our system is the fastest way to help us get on the track to feeling both physically and mentally better.

There is a Bigger Picture than just Diet and Medicine in Health. It has to be the MIND, BODY and SPIRIT All Together.

These days, the mind, body and spirit seem to be something everybody is talking about. There must be a reason for that. They are truly inseparable. I too, believe in the unity of all three. However, there is a big difference between understanding the concept and living it. Until I spent months and months of time intensively studying how the three dimensions of a person control the whole of the being, I realized that it is not just a philosophical wellness talk, it is hard science. From Einstein’s quantum theory to body’s basic functions: the biology of our bodies, neurology of our minds, and chemistry of our spirits, and how they intertwine with each other to determine how we think, how we look and how we feel, the science explains it and we experience it.  My work with you has to focus on all mind, body, and spirit or the spinning will not stop. We will review all aspects of your life that impact your wellbeing. Diet, nutrition, sleep, movement, stress, life purpose and spiritual development, and so on, will all be discussed and worked on.

Everyone is Different. Every Stage of Life is also Different.

There is no single formula or one diet that is the best for everyone. Some people feel energized by following a vegan diet but some can’t tolerate a vegan diet that is heavy on grains. Some people thrive under a high fat diet, while some can’t metabolize fat as others do. Dietary theory may seem trendy, but it just doesn’t work by following other people without listening to your own body. My respect to individuality is one important principle that I practice when working with my clients in designing personalized plans.

Take Actions but Be Patient – this is the Key to the Success.

We often want to see results overnight. If we don’t see changes right away, we don’t believe it and we can’t continue it. This is how we got into the epidemic of drug abuse, chronic stress and anxiety.  Whether it’s using substance to change our moods or using medicine to bandage our symptoms, we look for short-term relief; we just can’t wait. I’ve been through the path and suffered the consequences by not being kind and patient to my body. It is one of my main goals to help you understand and cultivate the important piece of the puzzle in the whole picture of achieving our optimal health; the patience blending in your actions. That is the key and the secret to arriving where we really want to arrive in life, not just today, this week, or this round of the sickness.

Let us connect so we can connect the dots, together.